My best friend just died in Colorado from a car accident.

December 18, 1981-July 13, 2007

I was going to put a alittle excerpt in here about her, but I'm just speechless and weak, that I don't know what to put.  Her life was straight as an arrow and led the most God centered life imaginable.

Why am I so angry?  For those who know me, I'm a very peaceful man who knows nothing of violence even though I'm in the US Army.  However, when I heard the news today, for the first time in my life, I was tempted to throw my laptop, kick a crater into the wall, and even just go AWOL from Iraq to make it to the funeral.  Felt weird, don't know if it's normal, but never felt this before.  The heat in Iraq doesn't help either.

1 grandfather (old age), 1 friend (car accident), 2 Soldiers (Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device), and 1 mentor (cancer) passed from this Earth in the last month.  God bless their souls as I maintain the focus for my mission and for my Soldiers in Iraq.  Pretty tempted to just stop caring.



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